Calling all volunteers! Feel free to share! We will be holding our very first Working Bee this Saturday from 8am At the Ian Packer Junior Motorcycle Training Complex, in partnership with Blacktown Minikhana and MNSW We are going to need as many helpers as we can get! We will be doing things like, lawn mowing, cleaning, organising props for events days and general house keeping of the grounds. The invitation is for as many helpers as possible to get the…
Find out more »Registrations for this event will be open on the day This is a club event open to members of BHJMTC. Any rider who is not currently a member of BHJMTC and wishes to compete – Must contact the club prior to the event to obtain a rider number (Note: MNSW registered riding numbers ARE NOT given preference at club events) You must become a member of the club to participate in Baulkham Hills Junior Motorcycle Training Club Events. Please register…
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