Anyone needing some coaching or endorsement before Dirtx round 8, then Race Pace is the place to go! Coached by one of the best in the business Michel. Bookings and enquiries contact 0410467776 or here for further details
Find out more »Calling all volunteers! Baulkham Hills Junior Motorcycle Training Club will be holding a working bee. We would love our members to lend a helping hand to keep our grounds looking fab! We will be doing things like, lawn mowing, cleaning, organising props for events days and general house keeping of the grounds The invitation is for as many helpers as possible to get the jobs done for our kids! If you could please inbox the club or the Facebook page…
Find out more »DirtX Round 8 – Wollongong This is a club event open to members of BHJMTC. Any rider who is not currently a member of BHJMTC and wishes to compete – Must contact the club prior to the event to obtain a rider number (Note: MNSW registered riding numbers ARE NOT given preference at club events) You must become a member of the club to participate in Baulkham Hills Junior Motorcycle Training Club Events. Please register online as Memberships are preferred…
Find out more »Calling all volunteers! Baulkham Hills Junior Motorcycle Training Club will be holding a working bee. We would love our members to lend a helping hand to keep our grounds looking fab! We will be doing things like, lawn mowing, cleaning, organising props for events days and general house keeping of the grounds The invitation is for as many helpers as possible to get the jobs done for our kids! If you could please inbox the club or the Facebook page…
Find out more »Please click on the link below before completing your entry. 2016 BHJMTC MK Interclub Supplementary Regulations Please click on the link below to view the entry list for our regional. Regional Entrants list We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of our Minikhana Regional Interclub on 24th July 2016. For details about our sponsors of this event please click on their logo! SCRIBBERA FRESH – FREEMANS REACH TLE – MINCHINBURY
Find out more »Round 6 of Minikhana will be cancelled due to the weather, there will be a double header in October, stay tuned for more info! BHJMTC is holds 8 Minikhana events per year. The event incorporates the development of riding skills and techniques for junior competitors by providing an organized competition where skill, rather than speed, is the determining factor. Minikhana is an excellent way for junior riders to increase their ability to handle manoeuvrability at different speeds and developing skills for all disciplines of Motocycling. The events typically end around 4pm,…
Find out more »The Kick Start program for this Sunday will be cancelled due to the weather, please be advised that the bookings will be moved to September! The Kick Start Program is for kids aged up to 16 years, who may wish to go on to enter racing. It is a fun way to teach the kids to ride, control and enjoy a motorcycle. This includes current up to date advice, demonstration and training. The course covers; motorcycling rules and regulations, club…
Find out more »DirtX Round 9 – Cessnock MX Entries open 1/8/2016 Entries close at midnight 11/8/2016 This is a club event open to members of BHJMTC. Any rider who is not currently a member of BHJMTC and wishes to compete – You must become a member of the club to participate in Baulkham Hills Junior Motorcycle Training Club Events. Please register online as Memberships are to be completed before the event. If you are a new member and your number is in use you…
Find out more »Minikhana Regional held by Junior Trials Mini Cycle Club BHJMTC participates as one of the seven Minikhana Clubs within the Sydney area, involving regional events at one of the 7 clubs. Regional events are open to all members who hold a licence under Motorcycling NSW (MNSW). All members compete as individuals and as representatives of our BHJMTC, with trophies being awarded for individual class winners and overall winning club on the day. Supplementary Regulations for Junior Trials Mini Cycle Club Regional Event For more information and to…
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